Thursday, December 31, 2009

Time to wash down sad memories of 2009

What a day to return to my blog – the last day of 2009 – an eventful year… It’s been a year of mixed emotions for me personally… there were moments of happiness and then there were moments of utter despair and madness… but all in all, I would say year 2009 has been alright… But, for the world as a whole, it has been a horrible year… markets crashed and continued to crash as the year progressed… Then things started looking up until the Dubai World fiasco rocked the world markets once again… Finally, it is all coming to an end, I mean the year… the repercussions of the financial earth quake that shook the fundamentals of the world markets will continue to be felt in 2010 as well, at least in the first half...

Well, personally, I am all set to bid good bye to 2009 coz year 2010, I feel (so does my astrologer), is going to fill up my life with positive energy… While wife’s presence has already had a positive impact on my life’s course, the New Year, I hope, will add to it… I take this opportunity to wish you all a fabulous new year ahead and hope you guys will have lots of fun tonight… Forget the past 365 days… forget the gloom… forget the tears… tonight, a bottle of whiskey is all you need to wash down the dirt of the past year… When you open your eyes tomorrow, a new beginning will be awaiting you… Enjoy!