This is something which often leads a free-flowing relationship to an undesired break-up… The roving eye syndrome, I feel, has been a grave matter of concern for lovers across the globe for years, and it doesn’t seem to relent even today… Admiring someone’s beauty is a pardonable offence or may be it’s not at all an offence… But, when this admiration takes dangerous shapes and tends to cross the prescribed limits (I don’t know who prescribes the limits and what the criteria are), things go out of hand… The roving eye syndrome, as is increasingly found now, is not the monopoly of guys anymore…. With the fairer sex demanding equality in just about everything, they have, it seems, (NO generalization intended; please read ‘some of them’) gleefully taken to the blissful activity of admiring ‘other’ handsome men… Here, the thrust, as obvious as a woman’s make-up, is on ‘other’… It’s perfectly alright to admire the beauty of anything attractive on earth (and sometimes even unattractive… after all, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder… don’t ask me which great human being uttered these words coz I don’t remember…) as long as you are ‘single’… But once you have ‘decided’ to fall in love (very often people ‘decide’ to fall in love, may be out of extreme boredom of a monotonous life… People do want changes, don’t they?), your honeymoon with life is over. Then, you are authorized to admire only one person’s beauty and talk to only one person… Even though most of the love affairs are illegal (poor parents always believe their kids hate to fall in love.), there are some invisible, unwritten rules which guide a relationship like a good teacher to prosperity… It’s when these rules are conveniently ignored, problems crop up, shaking the very foundation of an affair – trust. Once it’s lost, it’s lost forever…
Since ‘getting bored’ is an absolutely natural phenomenon, ‘the roving eye syndrome’ could be termed ‘natural’ as well, as people look for a change when they are bored…(I suppose so, I don’t know whether definitions have changed of late.)… There are two possible reasons for you getting addicted to this syndrome; one is, as I just mentioned, boredom because your partner is terrible, and the other reason could be you are not trustworthy (eternally)… Whatever be the reason, one you pick up this syndrome and then genuinely find it difficult to get rid of it, then you can see a red signal, not so far away, indicating an unfortunate end to a colourful (yes, most of the love affairs are just flowery and not deep) relationship which, you believed, would last forever… Once you are addicted to this syndrome intentionally or unintentionally, it’s better to say good bye to your partner immediately rather than preferring to share a life with her/him which would hardly be a bed of roses. So guys, better now than later… Be with your partner, only if you love him/her, or else, call it quits and set your partner free…
All I can tell you is “Don’t let your eyes rove when in love, as they are not meant to…”
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