Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Attitude speaks

After 3 days of unremitting work, peace is back in my life… Past 3 days have been grueling, yet interesting… Last year, I remember, at the same time, things were almost the same… sleepless nights used to wear me out… but the sheer interest in the work that I was doing kept me on the go… Life has always tested me out, that too at times when I was least ready to face a daunting test… I, somehow, managed to sneak through all of them, though not completely unscathed. Experience, they say, teaches you a lot… And they are right… but it’s up to the disciple to decide whether he wants to learn it or not… And I have NEVER been one who would LEARN things teachers teach me… Or else I would have been much happier than what I am today….

Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us. Earl Nightingale

How powerful and true these words are! It’s all about having the right attitude… And mine has always been anything but right… I have, in the past, so often, got into spats with my friends and colleagues, because of attitude problems… Looking back, I shamefully realize, most of the time, the one culpable was me… rather my ego… and the attitude problems arising out of it…. All I can do now is apologize to the wronged…. My apologies to all of them who were at the receiving end…

The habit of reading, despite my deliberate and forceful attempt to effect a revival, still seems to evade me… Though lack of time, a clichéd excuse, is one of the prime reasons which keep me away from books…. Excuses should burnt and ashes buried… it’s time I got back to reading… And that’s the only thing which will make me more opulent in my thinking…

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