Saturday, August 9, 2008

Faster than an X-43 aircraft...

May be most of you are perplexed about what I am going to discuss in this piece and the title must have helped only to add to your confusion. All I am wary about is time… Nothing else… It, really, is traveling fast and it’s, now, become hard to gauge its speed as well. It’s flying rather, in a frictionless world. I feel as if, all of a sudden, I have just woken up from a rather extended slumber and now I am left with almost no time to do things I should do and finish some work I am supposed to finish. It’s nothing but a state of disorientation. It, I feel, does happen to most of us every now and then… such is the pace at which time travels. You find it hard to keep track of so many things you are meant to do; both professionally and personally and more often than not, you look at the mirror and feel pity for your dejected, tired reflection. I, sometimes, think, “I wish I could be my reflection; emotionless and lifeless.” But, alas, such miracles are heavenly and we are poor mortals!!!!

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