Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Patience – what’s that?

So the countdown has just begun. ‘The big day’ is less than four months away. On the one hand, I am trying to calm down my mind, while on the other hand, my heartbeats simply refuse to slow down their pace… Yes, waiting for something is the toughest thing on earth to do, especially something as ‘special’ as your wedding, and what adds to the excitement is the fact that the bride is my long time girl friend and one of my best friends. I think that’s what makes this wedding so special and the wait more excruciating – she is my best friend. I can share anything with her and on a day out, we can both behave and enjoy like friends do. That’s what I love about this relationship. And I don’t want this equation to be disturbed once we get married. I want her to be my friend first (like she is now) and then a good wife. I am sure she understands the importance of being friends first more than I do and that’s exactly what makes her special.
In the meanwhile, my persistent efforts to wait ‘patiently’ for my wedding continue to bear no fruit and my heartbeats seem to ask me innocently, “Patience? What’s that?”


Unknown said...

tht was a good one binesh

Unknown said...

tht was a good one binesh

Muby said...

Awww... Binesh is in love. Now he's all mushy and gooey