Last night, while surfing the TV channels after a tiring day, the face of Ishmit (Voice of India winner who died a couple of days back) dominated almost every news channel. I was aghast at the way they were interviewing the deeply distressed family members of this boy. Just imagine a journalist asking Ishmit’s father ‘Now that your son has died, how do you feel?”… All that the poor father could do was cry, cry and cry and his tears were ‘beautifully’ captured by television cameras and aired all across the globe. What a shame! How could Indian media stoop to this level? Selling someone’s tears has become a norm these days. I don’t know whose brainchild is this ‘unique’ marketing technique. All I can say is there is nothing more disgusting than this!!!!! And these are times when I am not so proud of being a member of the media.
yes... binu, i completely agree wid u.... it seems asif media nowadays has no work or doesnt know how 2 act in diff types of situations!!! how more sick can it gt than this - "a journalist askin a prsn 'how do u feel?' dat 2 aftr da death f his son!!"
its better if da media takes in more qualified ppl instead f takin ppl whu dont no wt kinda questns 2 ask!!!.....
hi binesh, this is true.. media now markets with the tragedies of life and especially of the victims' family and relations. also see what the media is doing with the women who are victims of gang rape and so on..u would hv truly watched the megaserial of aarushi murder case!!!!!!!!!
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