Guys… Hope you all had a ‘wonderful weekend’… Back to work again, right?, like me… Anyways, to be frank, not a bad day though… It started with a visit to a Shiva temple in Thane and I must say, after a long, long time, I am feeling refreshed and happy on a Monday… Monday morning blues, which have been companions without fail for the past 6 months, have ditched me, it seems, today… Yes, I am happy…for a change…
So, guys… Let me stop getting personal… Enough.. Right? Ya, I know… But sometimes that proves to be my weakness (of course, one of the many)…
Let me tell you, my weekend (apart from the time I spent at the salsa classes) was a completely forgettable one… Sitting at home without the power supply is like… I am sorry I can’t find an optimal simile to describe my predicament. In short, it just bored me to death… I was wondering, of course like the many of you, despite the heavy, consistent downpour, why there is no respite for Thaneites. The only day you get to watch TV is Sunday for people like me who work 6 days a week and finally when Sunday comes, you are nothing less than dejected to be greeted by the dark interiors of your house. I think public should stand together and raise pertinent questions at the right times… Come on guys, if this continues, we must come together and protest…
Don’t forget to read my views on Power Cut in Thane which was published in DNA last week…
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead…
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