Monday, May 18, 2009

Never again....

They say, inspiring others to do something productive and creative is a great deed… or so I thought until the realization struck me that inspiring the wrong people to do something right could be a crap deed… That’s exactly what happened a couple of days back… Guru M, who generally excels at mentally torturing everyone in the company (physically she can’t as she is too weak), happened to read my blog and was immediately inspired to set up her own blog… And I was elated coz I thought what I did was a great deed and would therefore be remembered forever… But I was wrong… The blog, as far as Guru M was concerned, was only a new method to mentally torture others: this time a wider audience… The bottomline is Guru M has become a more sophisticated torturer and I am the reason for that… I apologize to all those who have been, are being and will be tortured by Guru M… guys, it was not deliberate.. After all, “To Err is Human, To Forgive Divine…”

“Some-times A Man Does Things Without Half Thinkin'
And What I Saw I Did Not Under-stand
Eddie Rabbit….”

Guys, now I understand what I see… Guru M is screwing everyone’s mind through her blog…

1 comment:

Muby said...

Atleast someone's screwing something