Thursday, May 7, 2009

Of shattered dreams and tears

It’s been just over six months since I landed in this land of dreams. But, as soon as I landed, The Land of Dreams began turning into a Land of Shattered Dreams for many… When ‘hiring’ gave way to ‘firing’, every second person you meet has a story to tell… a story of struggle, hard work, and finally tears… The mantra on everyone’s lips is recession… but the truth is most of them don’t even know what it exactly means… all they know is it can hurt them… hurt them badly…and it has… I have seen broken hearts… tears… depression… dejection… where are all the smiling faces gone? What happened to those exquisite, sunny days? Where have they vanished? Will they ever come back? Questions… plenty of them hang in the air.. searching for answers.. but in vain… We all need to wait… patiently… hoping to see an end to this seemingly endless crisis… till then, be prepared to see more broken hearts, shattered dreams, tears and many more…

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